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Tuesday 30 August 2011


A divorce is a legal break up for a married couple. Most of the time it affect children more than anyone else in the family as they try to battle around with the new situation, that is, which side to take mother or father. There are different reasons which may cause divorce. A few of them are as follows:


At least 80% of married men and women do cheat on their relationships. This in turn may end up in separation then divorce. People especially men have a feeling that if they do not keep a mistress they are not real men. So they will go around looking for young girls who can keep them company and in return give them expensive gifts. This habit might go from bad to worse, where a man will end up moving out of their matrimonial homes to live with those young girls. As a result some women will run around with young men as the husband may not be able to satisfy her needs. In this era of HIV and AIDs people should cut the chain as the ARVs are very expensive especially in developing countries. They should try by all means to avoid different kinds of sexually transmitted diseases.

Forced marriages

Most parents nowadays force their daughters into unwanted marriages which soon result in divorce. Sometimes the parents force their daughters because they are very poor or want to reduce their big families. That’s where abuse start because there is nothing that connects the two. They will only stand the insults and beating for a certain number of years and turn to bad things like prostitution to cover up for the money paid to their parents to set themselves free.

Interference of the in laws

The in-laws, most of the time from the man’s side may contribute a lot in divorces as is their culture that everything that is done in the couple’s family is done by their son. They will in turn make sure that the husband no longer supports his family by telling him all sorts of lies that will divert his mind totally from his family. They have a feeling the woman has come to milk the man and move back to her parents’ family. In laws should try by all means to stop poking their noses on their children relationships to avoid hurting their feelings.


Different cultures may cause divorce as married couple may not understand each other’s tradition well. For example if a man’s family belief in the ancestors then he will want his wife to join him in praying dead people’s spirits for healing or wealth. If she fails it will lead to a quarrel, insults or fights which may lead to divorce. Before marriage people should make sure that they understand one’s culture very well to avoid disappointment.


Another thing is the educational status, if one of the couple is more educated than the other he/she might think is superior to his significant other. This over confidence will ruin the whole relationship, and then follows divorce. Having a decent job doesn’t mean you forget who you are and where you come from. Know that your partner is the one who is going to take care of you in times of need.

One can say divorce is a bad thing especially for the kids so people should be encouraged to see marriage counsellors or church ministers before they can decide on what to do. They should be taught the dos and the don’ts of staying together as a couple. Set their own rules and live by them and also learn to control their feeling whenever they are tempted.